
By Ridgeback13


We moved A’s car then went down to town for the morning…she’s been desperate to go to Uniqlo since it opened as it stipocks all the sort of soft, plain clothes she likes. She chose lots, tried them all on, swapped sizes etc and whittled the choice down until she was happy with the final pile. Happy with her choice, we went to M&S for a coffee and a sausage ciabatta roll for her and an Eccles cake for me. We’d planned to go somewhere for brunch but had spent too long in Uniqlo. From there I headed home for my meetings and she treated herself to a larger bottle of Another13 perfume from Le Labo to celebrate her new job.
I then had two long meetings almost back to back…anyone would think I was back at work! Some tricky stuff but all went fairly smoothly in the end, even if I did have to eat my lunch during the first one.
A came back and had a sleep ready for her late night out tonight, and we ate early to make sure we both got fed given they were only having snacks at her event and then there would be a lot of drinking, and I wasn’t going to get snacks at all later. I met LE to go to the drinks reception before the fashion show t and was pleased to bump into lots of people there to chat to. AMcK, SB, CB, JK, MD-C and others. The show had its share as always of slightly mad outfits but interesting materials and some very clever construction.
Home and straight to bed….

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