
By KateH

Mum weeding

Did an early start Pilates whilst the weather was still gorgeous.  Zipped back afterwards to the barn office and did a couple of quite useful zooms with a French producer and then with one of our writers.  Caught up with some other things in the afternoon.   It was a lovely sunny morning at least.  

At around 4 went over to Mum’s for tea and chat.  We wandered into her garden which was looking lovely, full of roses, the last of the peonies and geraniums everywhere.  She starting hauling out handfuls of goose grass , saying ‘this is so satisfying’ and then we cut a globe artichoke for them to try.  I am glad they are going to get eaten with Patty in the house. 

Went up to Tim and Anne’s for a drinks party in their new house.  All looking very lovely and it was fun to see some old faces. 

Home for another evening without V who was up in London having dinner with his sister.  

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