Culpeper Garden
The path leading to the EC, with a close up of the gorgeous yellow roses.
I had a good day! I got a message early this morning from Deb, who I haven’t seen for ages. Shes had a gruelling two years with the loss of her mum, her dad and a few weeks ago her mother in law, and realised that life is short, and so retired! She was coming for a walk and wondered if I’d be free for a coffee.
I almost didn’t recognise her, she’s lost so much weight! We had a lovely catch up, with interruptions from others who spotted her.
Once back in the office, I dealt with the immediate and then made my way home, logging on in my study/dining room and finished for the week. Dentist tomorrow, which involves an hour’s commute, a pop in to a friend and also drop something off at James. I should have booked a dog walk, but didn’t think of it, so I’ll just have to chat less!
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