The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


Another busy day although I had an unscheduled lie in. A camera club meeting to finalise the contributions for our AV later this year. Afterwards I headed to the beach with the chap who’s putting it all together to see if we could get some underwater video footage to use and he took some shots of me looking through binoculars at the distant swans on the riverbank. Home for a quick lunch before heading to Berwick to the bank and buy a couple of little games to play with the wee one next week when we’re away.

It was a very forlorn little chap I picked up from nursery as he’d just thrown up, of course he threw up again as we were headed through town in the car. I had to detour to the riverside so I could park up and sort him out. Phoned MC to come over the bridge to get him and walked back with them. I stayed for a couple of hours and the poor little chap was still throwing up when I left. Once home I had to strip the car seat and put the cover and a blanket in the wash, the straps from the seat are soaking in a bucket of soapy water and the seat has been thoroughly disinfected…the car has been fumigated!

I didn’t feel much like going shopping after all that so I’ve had cheesy beans for tea and I’m now trying to download the video footage from this morning to see if it’s any good.

I found my blip as I walked from the car up to nursery, it always amazes me how these plants can survive growing in a crevice yet carefully tended and watered pot plants die off so very easily!

Thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday.

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