*¨*:•Everyday Magic•:*¨*

By Squatbetty


Monkey very kindly modelling my WIP doll's mermaid tail, got a way to go yet (and the tail fin to get my head around!) This one is an over-sized practice run, using DK yarn and a 4mm hook... the final attempt will be much smaller and fiddlier but hopefully will fit my Sindy doll. I don't think Monkey was happy about the prop crab and his tail sticking out of the back!

This has been a fun pattern, if a little confusing, and I've learned something new (the Elizabeth stitch) which is so nice and perfect for the mermaid's tail, gives a more 'scaly' effect. I will probably do the final version in a single, solid colour although I think this rainbow yarn works quite well too.

I was up really early again this morning so spent a while sorting my mum's insurance out. All done so that's another thing crossed off my list.

Looking forward to watching the European Athletics Championships this weekend.

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