French Italia

By FrenchItalia

Day of meet ups

Set off 6 40 am and first hurdle..
Sat in traffic big.accident On the South Downs  road I was on. A v tricly U turn and back home and out the other way..
Journey v long this morning arrived 9.45 for  breakfast with June, we lost Ken her husband at.Christmas.
My surrogate.mum
Then on to.lunch with some.friends.and desr Deborah pictured here wife of Eddie who is v.unwell..Waiting on platelets to get to over 50.. Currently 23.. Over 50 needed to with stand trial drug.
she was upbeat  and positive and very.lovely to see her.
I have ben out wed, Thurday and friday, tonight!
Getting back better  do not miss the M25!! 
My back is really.objecting now, Driving is  not good!! 
Motion is lotion

Dr.Michael Moseley a mystry and concern day 3 missing on symi, Surely.must have been something medical...and 36 deg will not help

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