Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

You're right, very unlike me post a shot like this.  It was just a ranging shot I took walking down the Close on my way out to the reserve early this morning.  I had a lovely time and saw/blipped some fun stuff, but maybe I just fancied a change for today - it was something about the shapes here, on one of J's company vans.

Has the rest of the day been equally eccentric?  No, just tiring, if somewhat lacking in achievement.  I went with K to the doctors', where she had to have a blood test and EGC, and I've been on maximum painkillers which does make you drowsy.  I've tidied and distributed the dry washing but not put on any more, failed to get out in the garden, looked at the papers on a rack in town and decided British political spats are too enervating, fallen asleep over a book and - well, I'm not sure what else.  Never mind, tomorrow's the weekend and I have made one or two plans that I'll enjoy.  How about you?

Have a good one anyway, whatever you're doing and enjoy yourself  xx

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