Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Vathy View

I was up early helping our hosts take their boat to nearby Frikes (Ithaca, Ionian Islands, Greece) to moor it ready for them to use for the season and take us out on Sunday.

Late morning we drove to Vathy (the main town on the island) as it has the only petrol station here as the owner of the other here died and the 'book-keeping' needs sorting before re-opening!  The view from the garage over Lazareto Island and Vathy is stunning as the photo' shows!  It must be high on the worldwide list of fuel stations with the best view.

After ice coffee at our usual bar, we drove to Loutsa beach for three hours under an Olive tree giving us much needed shad in the 34C heat. Nearby is the photo' of a capsized boat - if you think your having a bad day it's likely someone is having a worse one!

An evening in with a homemade Greek Salad tonight , with ice Gin & Tonic and wine for Mrs BB.  Enjoy your weekend!

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