
By Marionb

Dining al Fresco?

NOT!.. It is just an emergency blip taken after dark..when I remembered  to take a photo! 

Maggie is going to great lengths to avoid having her photo taken..scurries away from me whenever I approach..methinks it is because she has learned that when I sneak up on her, it is to put her in a cage and take her to the vet! This regular monthly trip to the vet has made her realize that it is not just an occasional thing that may or may not happen again - she now knows it is a constant threat...and treats every advance I make as something to be feared! Hence, she is not providing me with easy emergency blips these days! 

Note: I have been very much focused on other things lately and have neglected blipping..I apologize for my absence and will try to catch up as best I can..I do miss those photos and daily messages from interesting folks...but sometimes life just takes over...Let the back-blipping begin...I hope to be back on track soon.

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