Joshua & Amy

Gussie is there as well, under the table.
A busy day, up at 01:00 to deliver Samantha to school for the 02:00 coach to Paris although it seems that some parents/students don't have the same sense of time as the rest of us as the coach, after waiting for those who require more sleep, finally left at 02:45.
Home for some sleep, breakfast with Joshua and dropped him to school, shopping at B&Q, BBQ cleaned and gutters cleaned.
RNA Committee Meeting at 12:00 followed by some shopping, picking up the items on Clare's list.
Home, front hedge cut, path cleaned and cleared.
Collected Joshua from school, back garden and access lane, (our bit) cleaned.
BBQ for Joshua and I, half an hour to relax and then I'm off down the pub to meet fellow redundee Bob.
A day off usefully spent!!

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