The Pensioner

By Pensioner


As the sailing trip had been knocked back a couple of day I felt strangely at a bit of a loose end and was happy to get an email wanting volunteers to strim the dinghy park. And after a bit of that I felt justified in putting my feet up and reading.
And it was the D-Day 80th anniversary - the last major commemoration when survivors will be present so therefore an an opportunity for our leaders to walk the walk. Well, all except for Mr Sunak who bizarrely, stupidly, and well, disgracefully, decided to leg it homeward. And now, on reflection, yes, yes….
Anyway! 8pm and a shout from the harbour. Old G who has a bit of previous, had got stuck on the mud on the club tender. Quite a feat when it has a draft of about 2inches. A cold wind for the fellow to endure so the Commodore phoned the coastguards who arrived mob handed, probably grateful for something to do other than drink tea. The club WhatsApp meanwhile went daft. I think the annual wooden spoon award has a front runner.

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