Visit to Safron Walden
I have never been to Safron Walden before, and with a free day on the calendar decided to visit with B. We parked up and then went for a walk into the Audley End grounds past tall stinging nettles full of ladybirds and snails. A good year for both of them. We paused on a bench to 'put paint to paper' as neither of us had painted anything for some while. Spent some time in the town, an old market town, with beautiful tudor buildings. Then had a late brunch, before heading back on country roads.
Heard worrying news about Michael Moseley. I hòe it is not too bad.
Ran to Beeleigh with chatty Soul Runners for the first time in ages. So enjoyable. It was good to return to Beeleigh after spreading Mum and Dad's Ashes with a change of mood. So beautiful. See extra.
30daysgowild Wildlife challenge = newly fledged robin chicks with their mother
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