The Artist's Eye

By ArtistAnnie

And One More.

The front side characters are in place. Next I need to fill the pages between with information about each one.

I only took a couple of other photos today which didn’t amount to much. I was driving my old cat to the vets and had to stop at a train crossing. And wait… And wait… you get the idea. Then I had to wait for road construction. I did finally get there to drop her off and head to my own appointment to follow up on my pneumonia. Turns out I’m back to normal. Yay! The cat got an antibiotic injection. She’s still wheezing and snuffing but hopefully will soon be better. I picked her up after I took a nap at Shelly’s. I was glad for a quiet evening at home after dinner.

Check out the AI cat based on Hope Hicks.

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