Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Grateful for Diane

Another very good friend who lives in Port Townsend and was coming to see her son on his birthday today, brought us dinner and had Fika.   Inconceivable to me…will add an extra later…( alas I forgot so you get to see what’s left of her cookies) minestrone soup with shrimp, salad, bread, her homebaked cookies, strawberries….. I shared her cookies with the cleaners and think I might share the very generous soup with neighbors who just came down with covid. (if they want it..can't make it) ) 
I like to see portraits in my books of these friends I am so fortunate to have.…will miss some at book club next week.    You never know how many portraits are left….
You’ll get plenty of nature shots next week…:-)
Trying to work on some printed pages for my Dad’s book so I can put it together at the island …no printer there. …
But I still need that nap to make it through the day…covid tired…..

So many poignant photos of Normandy Beach.  I was 3.  My parents wedding anniversary is today. (1936)   My Dad was in the Coast Guard on Lake Michigan.

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