
By pandammonium


Mr Perkins has the cutest little overbite, sometimes visible when he curls up with his head upside-down.

This morning, I went to visit the old friend I saw at parkrun on Saturday. We’d planned to make a rhubarb cake. She gave me a tour of her garden, which is surprisingly large, then we picked some rhubarb and prepared the cake using vegan equivalents I’d brought round.

She had to rush off before the cake was ready, so I was left in charge of it. Her husband, who I used to work with back when I had a proper job, was working from home, so he kept me company while the cake cooled.

I cut the cake in half and took it, along with some rhubarb sticks, home, where me and Mr Pandammonium tried it. Not bad at all.

Running group this evening, followed by our new monthly social. I walked there, then went with the couch-to-5k group, but I couldn’t keep up with them. I had to return to the leisure centre early; another group member accompanied me, which I was grateful for.

While I waited for the others to return, I had a nice sit down and a rest, then we all went into the bar for a drink and a chat.

There was D-Day stuff going on in the partitioned-off half of the bar, and, as we left, there was a crowd gathered round the beacon, which I noticed this morning for the first time appears on the village sign, because they were going to light it.

I got a lift home; I’ve never been so glad of a lift home, even when it’s been chucking it down.

I’ll have to take it easy during Fight Klub tomorrow. We’re going tomorrow because it changed with my writing group meeting yesterday.

Oh, it turns out my old friend and ex-colleague know someone from another writing group in I’m in!

Apart from the three people I knew before we moved here (husband, friend, ex-colleague), I think everyone I know in the village is through writing or some form of exercise! Oh, apart from the one from blip, of course, and even there, there’s a crossover!

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