The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

She has(n't) got Bette Davis eyes

In between calls to the IT department and to clients, I called NHS 111, and they told me there were two opticians in Stroud who run a community clinic. I called one, and they got me an appointment at 11.30! Steve drove me down. The person who saw me was from Northern Ireland, so we chatted about my holiday. She put the orange drops in my eyes and told me, after lots of tests, that I had a stye. 

I got a mask that I can heat in the microwave, and some drops. Also told to use painkillers. Who knew a stye could be as uncomfortable as this?  Steve drove me home. I had a long call to make, then I did the heated mask thing (lovely!) and had lunch. Someone popped round to buy a suitcase from me. She is emigrating to Australia and Vietnam (half a year in each country, turn and turn about) and my suitcase collection was too large, so it's win -win. 

Went back to work with a very sore eye. Considered jacking it all in for the day but then I'd have had to phone in sick, so I just took painkillers and staggered on till 5.30, when my laptop refused to shut down. Considered throwing it out of the window. 

Got it  sorted in the end while eating Finn-crisp.ans jam. Don't know if I should be eating Rye, but I am partial to a crispbread. My mother ate a lot of them in the 1960s/70s, as I imagine others did too. 

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