
By GracieG

D-Day - 80 Years On

This seemed the most appropriate photo for today.  This flag is at the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre in Lincolnshire.

I haven't watched any of the special programmes commemorating this special anniversary of D-Day but hope to catch up with some later.

M and I spent most of the day at The Lincolnshire Wildlife Park.  They are an important charity for the rescue of parrots. Many of them had been bought as pets but they are a social bird and being kept singularly in someone's home (and often in a cage) can cause stress and result in them self-harming by pulling out their feathers.  The centre takes them in and over time re-socialises them, gives them the best diet possible and cares for them. They often re-grow their feathers.  They then stay there until the natural end of their life. They currently look after around 1,200 rescued parrots.  They have a long waiting list of more needing re-homing.

I've attached a photo of M in extras, enjoying some avian attention in one of the open aviaries.  The cockatiels seemed particularly fond of M's head and were very affectionate, enjoying being stroked.

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