Technically today is day one of our holiday today and it looks like I chose a brilliant week off work. Wesley and I are having a wee couple of days away at my parents house in the Scottish Borders.
Wesley doesn't really know what to do with all the space in my parents house, or the massive Old English Sheepdog. He's adjusting admirably though - particularly after a troubling car journey on Saturday evening for him.
I did very little today. It mostly consisted of sitting in the garden with my book; I'm reading Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman. It's an actual book instead of the kindle and reminds me how much I love them in their original form! I've only had a kindle for a couple of months - but I seem to have gotten hooked!
Temperatures soared to a high of 30.4 degrees at lunch so I had to go indoors. Ian suggested a paddle in the Loch. Brilliant idea. We walked down to our neighbour's jetty and went in. Ian specially strimmed the path to the jetty this morning as we're planning a trip out in the canoes tomorrow. Anyway our paddling expedition was not the idyllic experience you're picturing...
...Jetty-gate is what we got. Firstly my flip flop broke (note: need sturdier shoes) and as I was trying to fix said shoe, I was swarmed by Clegs (the horseflies, not the Deputy Prime Minister's family). I was bitten about 7 times in a couple of minutes. I completely flipped out, threw a paddy and we were back home within a few minutes. It must have been actually rather funny, but if anyone knows me they know I hate flying things. We don't even mention Butterfly World; I screamed for hours there once.
I'll have to brave the jetty again tomorrow though, I can't wait to get out in the canoe again. It's been way too long!
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