Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful


For Wildflower Week with many thanks to Miranda1008 for hosting  (this is my second wildflower blip this week, hope that's OK) :)

Remembering those who gave their lives for us to carry on and be safe today, D Day Anniversary 2024

Thank you all for your lovely comments yesterday, blipfoto is such a wonderful caring site :) 

A pretty awful night, it took so long to get to sleep - despite doing what a good friend who is a nurse advised - taking paracetamol, codeine and the ibuprofen.... feeling nauseated at times with the pain as well.

This morning I woke at half five and got up with not too much pain, but now at half eleven its all starting up again despite taking all three at 8am.

I tried to get a Drs appointment today, but there were none available :(

I did however manage to get a washload out slowly onto the line very first thing, until it rained two hours later and I had to bring it in - though most is at least almost dry!

Grateful to a good friend from church who has gone food shopping for me this morning too.  

I've been trying to do some job hunting too today, but not getting very far.
Waiting for a call from the police senior manager, I was told to expect yesterday...

(I hope I can drive on Saturday, but really doubting it at the moment and worried about my car just sitting there not being driven)

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