Astrantia ‘Florence’
In early morning sunlight. In a pot in my back garden. A morning doing admin things this morning, including getting an appointment with my GP which feels like a great triumph:) Oxfam in the afternoon. The book cupboard was cluttered up with toy donations- there’s a real lack of space - so I had to move all those first. I unearthed a wooden farm, very like the one I had about 67 years ago! I bought it for my friends across the road, who have a 3, and a 1 year old old They will need to paint it, including some blue paint to make a ‘pond’ in the farmyard. They were so pleased, and will keep it secret while they’re doing it up.
Odd little messages to and fro with my son. Currently he’s busy working in Leeds, might hit him badly when he returns to an empty house in Plymouth
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