Øverland - Brunkollen

I had a very bad experience at work today. An aggressiv looking man came to me and asked why he didn't get the money he had applied for the day before. I checked and told he that it was a refusal, because he got his livelihood the day before that. At my screen I also saw that this was a potentially dangerous man. His body language didn't look good and I understood that it was time to press the alarm and trying to talk patiently until leaders and Securitas would be there. Just as they came he smashed the fiberglass screen between us. The situation escalated and the police was called. I pulled me back into a safe place, other in the room had to lock themselves into rooms while the police came with shields. Very frightening and the whole office was closed for the rest of the day.
I felt for a long walk in the forest and since I should have been a the churchyard to plant, I decided to start my walk from Øverland and walk to Brunkollen, a distance with many good memories, from my childhood.

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