
By Ridgeback13

On and off

Bit of a disrupted night’s sleep, not sure why, but once I was up it looked bright and sunny so I got dressed (not warmly enough!) and headed down to town. Meeting with prospective new supporter for the concert hall, then a catch up with JMcN afterwards planning an event next week. I decided I’d head to the Botanic Gardens and, despite the cold, enjoyed the walk there in sunshine. By the time I arrived I was really hungry so went straight to the cafe for some soup. By the time I got out it was pouring! I sheltered for a while and thought about going in to see the Fleurs de Ville exhibition but thought it was overpriced, so instead decided just to come home since the rain had stopped again. Loved the sweep of Himalayan poppies with their bright raindrops.
A was at a conference in town today and said she’d pop round later so I made a carrot cake for us to have with tea whilst she told me about the conference and the celebrations she’s had with her team about the new job.
After she’d gone home I had some supper and watched some old nonsense hospital drama…can’t cope with the slanging matches on news programmes at the moment.

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