Lost in Thought

By steveng

While the sun shines ... (Widwed050624)

With our recent dry few days and forecast to stay that way into the weekend, I guess this scene will be repeated often locally.  The field where I sometimes fly the drone has been cut and the process of turning the grass to dry (tedding) and then baling and wrapping it has started. 

I had taken the drone with me but didn't think anyone would appreciate me flying it while they were trying to work, so I stuck to the normal camera.

In the extra, the smaller tractor with the tedder attached turning around. You can just about see the wrapper in the main blip.

My entry for Wide Wednesday on the theme of early summer (N Hemisphere) I'll go through your entries over the next couple of days and aim to get the results out on Friday evening (UK time)

I was out this morning mowing at the church - my tractor is nowhere near this big,  but these farmers don't have to new bishop coming to see their work on Sunday - and she has a direct line to the boss :-)
Might be buying a new blower tomorrow :-)

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