Every Picture Tells .....


1972 Sunbeam Imp Sport


I drove over to Llandudno first thing to see Day 1 of the Three Castles Trial. Around eighty classic cars are competing in the four-day event which takes them around many of the scenic places of North Wales.

This morning was dedicated to the scrutinising process and afterwards the cars lined-up on the promenade for viewing. My fist car was a 1975 Hillman Imp, so I was excited to see this 1972 Sunbeam Imp Sport today.

A dash home as we were hosting lunch for some relatives who were on their way to Anglesey and then over to Rhyl for a bowls match against East Parade in very wet and windy conditions. Our team won the match 7-5 but I  just lost my own game 20-21.

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