Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Hello Lovely Blippers,

After the photoshoot on Silly Saturday, when all the gang had gone back indoors and Mr. HCB had picked the rhubarb, I realised I was all alone underneath the rhubarb and I was frightened.

I thought that someone would soon come to find me, but sadly no-one did so I spent the night out in the rhubarb bed, all alone and frightened.

By the next day, which I realised was Sunday, I thought that someone would miss me, but obviously no-one did, so I was still sitting in the rhubarb bed, all alone and frightened.  In fact, I think the HCBs were out most of day because I never saw them at all.

Monday and Tuesday came and but still no-one came out to find me - by this time my teeth were chattering and then... it rained hard - very hard and I got very wet - and I was still all alone and very frightened.  I thought I would be there forever!

BUT THEN...on Wednesday morning, Mr HCB came out as usual to do his daily rounds.  When I saw him, I barked and barked - as loud as I could, which made him come over to the rhubarb bed and then
I was no longer alone, because Mr. HCB was there so I wasn't frightened either because I knew he would look after me.

He shouted to Mrs. HCB "Come and see what I've found in the Rhubarb patch..."  She quickly came out, picked me up and took me indoors, and she kept saying "I'm so sorry, you must have been hidden underneath one of the rhubarb leaves and we missed seeing you!"

THEN...she plonked me in a large bowl of soapy water!  She said I must have been very dirty from the leaves and the soil and of course, the rain.  Trust her!!

Anyway, all's well that ends well, as they say - I'm now washed and lovely and clean but you won't believe where she's put me the airing cupboard and in the dark, so once again, I'm all alone and frightened!  However, I did hear her say to Mr. HCB, "David the Dog will soon be dry and he can get back into the bag with all the other Silly Saturday Gang members", so I hope she's right!

Remember to BE KIND, and always look out for others - I wonder if the others in the SSG missed me?  I’m looking much cleaner as you can see, so perhaps they’ll think I’m a new member!! 

Love from David the Dog xxx

P.S.  Mrs. HCB says thank you for all your lovely comments - she has dictated this as I was speaking, and says she is still resting her eyes -  I expect that was why she missed seeing me on Saturday!

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