
By earthdreamer

Wharfedale Half-Marathon

About a month ago I was persuaded by J to enter the Wharfdale Off-road Half-Marathon. It's been going for years this event, over a fabulous route, including the Dales Way and Mastiles Lane (pictured here), with about 2,000ft of climbing. I've always wanted to do it but it has never worked out. I made my debut this year.

Come the morning of the race I had to wonder what I'd been thinking. It felt like a long way, especially without having had the chance to do much training these last three months, what with injuries and travel and illness. I set off conservatively and muscle memory soon kicked in - before old age took over! The lack of conditioning meant that I cramped badly after ten miles, preventing me from enjoying the long descent - damn it. But I enjoyed everything else. I look forward to making this a regular event.

For the record, I finished 89th of 230 in 2.15.48

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