
By PaulShelley

S,P and pooch

Photo society this evening. Competiton night. The theme was Landscape. I did embarrassingly badly. The judge said my photo wasn't a Landscape. Trouble is, he was right. What was I thinking of when I have got so many other photos on my hard drives which would be better landscapes. 

Oh well, adjourning to the pub to lick my wounds I happened on this couple. We walked past but I just had to go back and ask for a photo. I half expected them to tell me to Hop It but they happily agreed. 

I lay on the pavement to get this and when the other society members came round the corner and saw me they thought I had collapsed.

Sophie and Pietro (he from Bergamo, Italy) were a very contented couple. Lovely to see. And they might be recruits for the photo society. 

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