
By Teasel


A quiet Sunday, as I am still on call for work.  It was another nice day, but not as warm as yesterday, and there was a breeze.
I met a couple of friends for brunch and we had a good old catch up – and I even got a tip off of a possible job opportunity for BB if he can motivate himself to complete an application form.
I didn’t need any lunch today, but sat in the garden with the boys while they had their lunch.  I then pottered for a while, until I decided as I had had no work calls, I wasn’t going to get one, so went off for a walk to pick up some bits and pieces for tea
Tea was salmon and veg tray bake, and seemed to go down well, with comments of it being a very healthy tea.
Later we Facetimed TT’s mum, and I tried to encourage BB to look for a summer job. 
I didn’t take many pictures today – but the chives in the garden are blooming.  Spot the wee fly.

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