By Bella888


En route to Asda, saw an inebriated male on a ladder, propped on wall of now closed Kentucky Fried Chicken. Swigging from a bottle in one hand, precariously holding ladder with the other.

Egged on by 4 drinking companions. One pulled the ladder (with the man half way up) off the wall and bounced it back repeatedly. The man on the ladder surprisingly reached the wide ledge above the KFC and stood on it waving the bottle triumphantly in the air.

I called 999 and gave the details. The agent noted meticulously, I suggested a squad car came immediately to avoid a nasty accident.

I repeated the location KFC was in the "Royal London House" 3 times (the agent kept writing 'Bournemouth' instead of - London House), and explained the building was on opposite side of Lansdowne Roundabout from the Round House Hotel, which took time for the agent to comprehend.

The agent wasn't familiar with Bournemouth, which didn't help! l ended up wishing I hadn't bothered to call. Curious where the perpetrators found that tall ladder in the first place.

To Asda. The pedestrian walkway through the garage reaked of urine. 2 inebriated guys sprawled out by up escalators. Reported smell to security guards at the desk inside the store

Then home via the underpass blipped.

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