
By Ilja

800 dice and 130 little organza bags

It's almost the summer holidays, and just like last year we're trying to fill a holiday bag for children who are in a bad situation. We (DS volunteers) try to put different things in these bags to do during the holidays. We have tickets for the mini golf course, a voucher for an ice cream sundae in an ice cream parlor for the family, a ticket for the museum in town with an accompanying treasure hunt. Furthermore, we try to fill the bag with something to play with inside, something to play with outside, something to play with together and something to play with alone. And it contains a holiday activity booklet (which I put together and is printed in full color by a sponsor), which includes games you can do with dice and ideas you can do with sidewalk chalk. Then it is useful that the bag also contains sidewalk chalk and dice!
So today I put a large part of the brightly colored dice in little bags.

it feels nice to be able to do something for children who can really use it. even if you just convey the feeling that someone is thinking about you. the bags are delivered to the children anonymously, they will never know who gave the bag, so no need to feel uncomfertable when you get a bag!

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