
By ArcLight

Tales of disappearances

Now you see them, now you don't.

Last night, when I went in the bedroom, I was shocked to see a huge mobile crane over the way. The static cranes were removed, gradually, the last one quite some weeks or even months ago (at least as regards this part of the building site). Obviously someone forgot something and a very expensive mobile crane had to be brought in.

When I got up this morning, the crane had already moved before 7am in the morning, and workers were clustering around the base when I set off for work about 9.30am. I was not surprised to see it had gone when I came back this evening.

The other "crane" is actually a cherry picker, brought onto site (our development) by the builders who will do the renovations and refurbishment. Their current job is figuring out how our balconies are attached to the building. Bolts, anyone? Anyway, I was a bit surprised to see it when I went down in the lift, so snapped a picture for Mr A, and when I came back this evening it was all neatly folded up and put away in the bit of the courtyard that is cordoned off because of the fire. I am not at all sure how they got it up onto the courtyard level. Perhaps another cherry picker picked up this cherry picker? One of life's mysteries.

So that's my blip collage, more for my records than anything else.

Not too many meetings at work, so I managed to power through my to do list, and this evening just after I got back I managed to sort out the alternative outcome that I alluded to in my blip yesterday.

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