
By RadioGirl

Tiny Tuesday - Purple Toadflax

I have now finished reading the Tiptree book club novel, and the ending made me smile rather wryly.

After lunch I took Mary over to the care home to visit Hazel. I had found some photos Dad had taken at the bungalow in about 2006 during some Friday house groups which he and Mum used to host, and Hazel was one of the people in them. As there were three sets of the same pictures, I took one set to give to Hazel and she was very pleased to have them. I learnt that she now takes part in Scrabble games on a Thursday, and even won a game last week. She also enjoys their quizzes and likes to do crosswords. I’m glad they do things like that at the care home to keep the residents’ minds active, and I’m sure it’s helping to keep Hazel’s slight dementia at bay.

My offering for Tiny Tuesday is some purple toadflax which has self-seeded in the garden - the individual flowers on each stalk are much tinier than they appear to be in my blip. I think it’s a really elegant plant. Thank you to sk for hosting the Tiny Tuesday challenge for June.

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