
By Tryfan46

First shot with iPhone

What a weekend for UK sport. First the Lions thrash the Wallabies by a record score and second the 77 year albatross was lifted from our collective necks when Murray won Wimbledon. I didn't watch either, the Rugby as we've not got Sky and Wimbledon because I don't like watching live sport on TV in pressure situations. Players always seem to do better when I'm not watching. That's my theory anyway.

Another beautiful day here, breakfast outside, then to the allotment to collect stuff for tonight's supper. The first new potatoes, broad beans, sugar snap peas and podded peas and spring onions to make a flan. All followed by our strawberries, eaten outside on a warm summer's evening. Otherwise pottered about, read and savoured the Lion's reports in the Sunday papers and went for our customary walk.

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