as seen

By jankerman

Footprints in the Sand

This morning I set off with the team walking to Quiberon by the coastal paths. I had no intention to walk all the way as we had left two non drivers house sitting. I soon found deep dry sand hard going and returned to base. On route I watched a couple cross one of the numerous deserted coves and thought their footprints made an interesting composition. 
After returning to base I took Rod (Dith still not feeling well) to Quiberon to meet up for lunch with main group. Fueled watered I returned to base leaving Rod to walk and Malc to return with me to shop for tonights meal. The day was much better than the forecast, Quiberon was an interesting place and I have added a shot of the main beach in extras. All  safely back at base, chicken curry tonight, 7 thousand steps today! 
Take care out there one and all

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