tot ziens teleri...

she loved... lemons... Neruda...pottery...and life...most things really but...not bicycles !!...

"I love
all things,
not because they are passionate or sweet-smelling
but because,
I don't know,
this ocean is yours,
and mine:
these buttons
and wheels
and little
fans upon
whose feathers
love has scattered
its blossoms,
glasses, knives and
scissors -
all bear
the trace
of someone's fingers
on their handle or surface,
the trace of a distant hand
in the depths of forgetfulness."

From "Ode to Common Things" by Pablo Neruda

"So the freshness lives on
in a lemon,
in the sweet-smelling house of the rind,
the proportions, arcane and acerb."

Pablo Neruda

(piment d'espelette will always remind me of you...and of course smashing pumpkins and...)

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