
By Dakers

Preparing For The Journey Home

Sonia asked if we could take her to Sainsbury’s so that she could obtain some items not available in Athens.

Today’s entry shows the bulk of purchases ready to be packed into her luggage.

There are several baked products which Sonia remembered from time working in Scotland as a buyer for William Low Supermarkets. Alas swallowed up by a competitor whose name begins with T.

Also featured are several products labelled Imperial Leather. Apparently a favourite brand of her brother Tassos, and he has been unable to locate something in Greece.

Everything found a place in the two ‘wheelie luggage’ containers Sonia would travel home with. This also included several frozen items including Scottish ‘Black Pudding’.

Pat had worked out a method of ensuring all the frozen goodies would reach Athens still frozen.

The journey to Edinburgh Airport requires an early start.

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