
By Ridgeback13

Carpe diem

Another lovely day, but a bit windier. I decided to go for a bike ride but started by doing some email and bits of stuff before settling down to try and plan a route. As with almost every other time I’ve done this I got nowhere with various apps …..I can’t understand why it’s so hard to plan out a loop ride mainly on the cycle ways. Got really fed up and frustrated having web searched, downloaded yet more apps and still having no luck. Decided to just head out anyway. I have to go more often so it all gets easier…
Anyway, once I’d set off on my trusty Ridgeback I had a great time. Went down to Rosslyn Chapel, passing fields of lambs (no new calves as there have been in the fields around Greenlaw recently) and enjoying the sunshine, then had a coffee once I arrived and texted A who had just come out of her interview. She said some of the questions were pretty testing but she was just glad it was over!
Cycled home a different way…turned out the whole trip was a pretty good workout and after a bit of salad for lunch I had a some rest time. Then A called…she got the promoted job! Very pleased for her….although she sounded exhausted. I ran to the shop to get some flowers and a bottle of Pimm’s for her then rustled up some scones for when she popped round later (extra). She was so excited about it and sounds like she did a great job in the interview.
Perused some hard copy maps in the evening and did some reading. Loving how light it is so late in the evening, but sad it will all too soon it’ll start to change again.

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