Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64

Cheers Drive!

Up early to call the doc then the hospital and finally got the all clear so Dad could go ahead and have his first eye treatment this morning. After the appointment Dial a Ride dropped us off at a local pub where we attended the wake of our dear friend, B. Unfortunately the funeral had been at the exact same time as Dad’s appointment, but am so glad we made the effort and joined everyone afterwards.

Our two families have been great friends for many, many years. It was important for me to be there to support his daughter and wife, his passing was very sudden and a shock. B was quite a character, everyone there had so many tales to share of his exploits. One tale I remember him telling was when he had taken the local ladies bowling team down to Devon. While he was waiting for them to come back onto the coach he decided to mend a false tooth with superglue. Unfortunately he didn’t wait long enough for the glue to dry and found that he’d glued his lips to his teeth and couldn’t talk properly! He eventually freed his lip using a hot cup of tea. Daft things like this happened on a regular occasion to B.

He loved a good pint of beer so this evening I ask you all to raise your glass, to B. Cheers Drive!

Thank you.

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