
By SparseRunner


This week we need to crack on with preparations, because the HiGHS workshop starts three weeks on Wednesday. I'd hoped to chat to И at 10:00, but she didn't respond to any messages until lunchtime, so I started reading up on the underlying theory for a feature that I want to add to HiGHS. 

I eventually heard from И at midday: she'd slept in after returning exhausted from holiday yesterday! We had a discussion about what each of us needs to do urgently and since it's mostly for her to do, I went back to my reading. We met again at 16:00 for a meeting with three guys from a US company who were interested in collaboration, but I didn't get the feeling that they were offering enough for it to be worth it, and the meeting soon finished. By the end of the afternoon my reading had moved on to programming. 

I was hungry when I knocked off at 18:00, but we had no onions and it was still sunny, so I walked Django to Tesco's and back. 

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