
I went to see Dad today ........... he wouldn't even look at me although staff said he had been great and chatting earlier.
I am not sure what, if anything I can do about it.

On the way into town I snapped a field which is intreguing me.
I saw a couple of men spend days removing stones (down to fist size) from the entire plughed field. There were then these fleeces laid over about half the field and now whatever the crop is is begining to lift the fleece.
I want o know why the whole field was ploughed and destoned but onlt pat was cropped. (And what the crop is).

Somewhere under this fog bank lies the Forth and the Bridges .......shame I took such a poor shot.

This piece of glass (from Scott Irvine) is going to be inlaid into a wooden dish.

I will Blip it when it is done - probably 3 or 4 days.

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