
By JennyOwen

Walking around

Thank you so much for all the lovely responses to yesterday's milestone blip - I really appreciate them. I'll work my way round to individual comments too, in the next couple of days.
I spent some time with Simone today, to help Jack out as he works on his final MA assignment. S was tired, having had her 'settling in' session at nursery earlier in the morning. So after playing for a while, I took her for a walk and a nap in the pushchair. She fell asleep within 5 minutes, leaving me to play around with double-exposures on the phone, looking at the lush front gardens on our route.
Jack is doing well with his assignment and still has around 10 days before hand-in time. We've had good conversations about his work, a documentary project in the Dearne valley (a former mining area).
I'm posting this while waiting for Eben and Luca: our usual Monday afternoon pick-up time.

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