
By Martigan


       Because, I've done all this once and it vanished.  As kids, when Biking up to Bassenthwaite with Mam & Dad for a Picnic we'd pass a clump of "Dathery Grass"  We, later were able to ID it as "Quaking grass, Briza media, is one of the prettiest wild grasses to grow in an ornamental border.  From tufts of smooth, flat grey-green leaves it bears branched heads of 'quaking' green-yellow flowers, often tinged purple.  A short-lived perennial, it can take a while to become established.
       Later "they" re-routed the Road so as to both remove a 90˚ right hand band and place the grass into the middle of a field - IF it survived.
      Decades later Clicky had some in her Garden,  much bigger, bu t same family, and kindly donated some.
       As an aside I was once asked, by A. N. Other why I refer to her as just "Clicky" well, look at it this way how many of my friends do you suppose invariable refer to me as Brian Kane and h ow many as just Brian?
      I know that it's illogical to suggest it that, as an annual, it gets bigger every year; but it seems to.  This one I pulled out of the Border some madams ago and, while I've never been "into" Flower arrangement I can see "Dathery Grass" having a place in it. 

As a total non-sequitur, it currently takes me twice as long to publish due to my key board misbehaving and slipping in the odd gap.  In consequence I had to change "it" from "Death era pass" to "Dathery Grass" and "miss have ng" into misbehaving. 


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