
By Viewpoint

Wortley Hall garden

Saturday:  A visual migraine as I drove away from home - mono, not fully covering my vision but moe a zigzag streak across the the right side.  I decided  I could cary on as I was going for fruit and veg in Thurgoland.  Actually by the time I'd bought the few items I needed the distorted vision had pretty much gone.  I know they don't last more than quarter of an hour.  I then headed for Wortley to collect my yoghurt and decided I could walk around the grounds as I'd originally planned.  A bit wobbly legged, I decided it would be a relatively short walk.  I'm focused on Triptychs at the moment for a talk I'm doing on Wednesday evening.  I can't say that I came across anything that really interested me, but I've chosen this one to share.  It seems to me that I need to keep the images fairly simple and straightforward.  I thought about focusing on aspects of the building, but decided I could probably work bette with images taken previously on a day when the light was better..

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