
By TonyG

A Multitude

Foxgloves in a woodland clearing at Ynysymaengwyn, just a mile outside Tywyn.  A larch plantation was cleared eighteen months ago, mixed native deciduous woodland is being planted to replace it.  Meanwhile foxgloves burst forth, as is their wont after clearance.  Being biennial, the explosion of flowers comes in the second year after clearance.  By the time these set seed there is already more competition for the light so it's unlikely this display will repeat in years to come.  I have only seen a display like this a few times, always following felling.  The most dramatic was in Sussex in 1989, eighteen months after the 1987 hurricane decimated woodlands across the south.

A day mostly of chores.  My emergency lodger has found accommodation in one of the railway hostels and moved out this morning.  An opportunity for much laundry on a dry, sunny, windy day.   Two loads of bed linen and one of jumpers, the first two bone dry outside in good time.  This led to a long overdue purge in my bedroom which had become a dumping ground for things needing relocating for various visitors.  All furniture moved, everywhere dusted and hoovered, much damp dusting and finally I used a wet vac to clean the carpet.  I took the opportunity to rearrange the layout too, it looks and feels much more welcoming now.  An hours work tomorrow will see the remainder of the outflow of stuff sorted - it's not going back where it came from!   

All of which led to a late lunch before an hour at pottery putting the next coat of glaze on an array of pieces.    I had a short snooze after a light tea and then headed out with the dogs as the sky clouded over. The cool breeze is cooler without the sun and I needed a thin coat over two sweaters.  June - but not as you know it Jim!   

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