Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Predator ... and predator

Some days the predator becomes the prey as in this instance with a long-legged fly being eaten by a Fragile Forktail damselfly.  I've photographed these tiny flies with their equally tiny prey before, although not often due to the size of both. In this case, the fly didn't see the damsel coming and he/she became dinner.  I was lucky to see the damsel land on the leaf, clearly with something in its tiny jaws.  He made fairly quick work of his meal and is probably back on patrol now.  

I've enjoyed a relaxing day in my garden today, after a blissfully long sleep in my own bed.  The weather has been perfect today other than high pollen counts.  By the end of June our humidity will become unpleasant but right now, it's perfect.  

I checked the nest boxes.  One of the wren nests has squirmy little nestlings with the beginnings of feathers.  The swallows and the second nest box still have just eggs.  I think the bluebirds have fledged but won't open the box for another few days, just in case.  When I was out in front of the house today looking for bees, mama swallow was in the nest, head out, keeping an eye on me.  She won't leave the box unless I get within a couple of feet of it, which I didn't do.  

Tonight we are meeting our friends, John and Barb, for dinner - it's always so much fun spending time with them.

Dark, plain and simple, today.


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