
By pandcjane

Another Beautiful Peony

From the front garden this time. It seems to have been another busy day. It's been a beautiful warm, sunny day and so I have done 4 loads of washing (one of which I only put on at 1700) and everything was dry in a couple of hours - a result. Ironing tomorrow I guess. I took 6 table lamps with shades to the charity shop in Merrow (via Squires to look for plant pots). Then I went on to the flat in Frimley where I picked up a clothes rail for Penny and took photos of some Norman Underhill figurines which friend Kath may like. Then home. Penny and Steve popped in (always lovely to see them). And then neighbour Michelle to advise on the blackfly infestation and something that seems to be amiss with my lovely magnolia in the front garden (possibly a fungus). That's it and I am about to call it a day. There are some other chores that I would have liked to have completed. But.... tomorrow is another day. 

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