A stowaway?
Looking at my case, nearly packed I think I have a stowaway!
A great day. First we went to see the girls play in their football matches, then home for a bite to eat. Out for a walk, but not as far as yesterday and finally to my sons for a meal together with the girls. Ro and I ordered chicken fried rice and had huge helpings. Half for tomorrow’s lunch! We played at finding animals beginning with each letter of the alphabet! U and X proved very challenging!
Our other son is still in hospital but as the findings come back from the lab, his medication has been altered and I believe he’s a bit better, but it’s a staphylococcus bug that is resistant to normal antibiotics. They have to use more aggressive drugs that could have side effects.
Please Find out what the symptoms of sepsis are, it could save a life! Please check THIS LINK!
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