This is the day

By wrencottage


The family were due for lunch again at 2.00 pm today. However, the doorbell rang at 11.00 am – it was our son with the two littlies. They’d come to chill at Granny and Grandpa’s to give Mummy a bit of a break. He went home to collect her just before lunch. It’s been a long half term for her with no kitchen facilities at home, and she can’t wait until the last snagging and decorating jobs are done and her new kitchen is finally ready.

Nine hours later, the family have gone home, Smithers and I have cleared up, washed up and generally returned the house to our preferred tidy state, and we’re about to flop on the sofa. 

Today felt like a proper summer’s day for the first time this year – not before time – and the girls had a whale of a time in the garden. Can you guess what they most enjoyed doing out there?

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