My Daily Life in Photo's.

By Mothermudd

Hampden Park

And the Crows, Rooks & Jackdaws were shouting about something, they were so noisy.
I've been doing Housework & Gardening as well as baking an Apple Cake & a Bara Brith.
The Bara Brith will be winging it's way to Pembrokeshire tomorrow as I'm off to visit my friend Kim for a few days.
Anyway this afternoon I went to get Petrol & Pump up my Car Tyres then I dropped into Hampden Park for a walk where I saw lots of White Egrets & Herons in the Trees, then I saw a Swan family of 10, Parents & 8 Cygnets.
Yesterday evening I babysat my Grandchildren & they were good as gold.
This morning I heard that my Great Great Niece Laurena is very poorly in hospital, bless her, she nearly 1 year old; lucky her Mum took her to Hospital when she did, because if she'd waited like she was told Laurena may have not made it, she was so poorly. I hope to goodness she pulls through with the love of her parents & the Hospital Staff.

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