
By heanku

Huts, huts, huts and a lighthouse

We have had another day with great weather. We were driving on a dusty coastal road and suddenly I recognize myself, even though I have not driven here before. Why? I have seen this one lonely fishing hut in commercials. And have always wondered where it was, but could not find it on internet. So here it was! What happiness! I think this one is so cute! 

Extras:I drive the car, my husband directs me according to what the GPS says. And my husband directed me wrong. But what did it matter, because we passed an old place with fishing huts. So yesterday was not my last day with fishing huts, as I thought. 
Most of the huts were in poor condition, but a couple were well maintained. And curious as I am, I looked into one. And I think you are just as curious, so here you see the inside
Finally we went to a lighthouse. We could not go very close to it as it is privately owned. So it had to be a photo shoot from a distance. 
Birds? Yes, my husband saw some birds too:-)
This was our last day on the island for this time. In the morning it is time to go home.

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